Thursday, March 17, 2011

Carnival Impressions

   There is far too much to say about the Fasnatch in Luzern... There are two big centers for the Carnival celebrations in Switzerland - Basel and Luzern.  We spent our time in Luzern - together with our friend Christine on Saturday (March 5) and me by myself at the parade on Dirty Monday (March 7).  A few things stand out about the festivities we saw in Luzern.   The first was that 80% of the people were dressed up in amazing costumes - men in furry bunny suits, strange science fiction creatures, pirates, whimsical people... This included the masked bands (called Guggenmusigen) in the parade and at the Saturday festivities (pictured above).  The second was that the festivities, especially on Monday, included the entire family - in the parade and watching the parade.  

These Rock-N-Roll angels from the parade had their child in the baby buggy - this wasn't uncommon to see...


1 comment:

  1. Cool - a baritone-playing Goofy (Goofy playing a baritone). I wonder if they re-use their costumes every year or if, like our kids for most Halloweens, they prefer to have new, elaborate costumes each year.
