Monday, March 21, 2011

Fehraltorf Halloween

This post is a bit of a response to Marnie's comment from my March 17 post.  The Saturday after the parade in Luzern, I was working at the house and heard music outside.  I had seen signs for the Fehraltorf Fasnatch parade so quickly guessed what was up... I grabbed the camera, Fiona and ran a few blocks to catch the parade.  We didn't see many people dressed up here at Halloween (mostly at the train station in Zurich), so all of the Carnival events we saw felt like the Swiss version of our Halloween.  

In the Fehraltorf parade, there were two bands and probably half of the families with kids in the village  walking in the parade.  All of the kids (and some of the parents) were dressed up in very elaborate costumes.  This little boy pictured above was my favorite.  I don't know if they need a new costume every year, but based on how amazing the costumes are (I have never seen anything like it in the US), I have to believe they are rented or recycled to friends....


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